Specifies a method to be called when the value of a synced field/property changes. This method will be called only for instances whose HasStateAuthority evaluates to false. CoherenceSync.isSimulated).
The callback method must meet the following conditions:
* Be 'public'
* Be defined in the same component as the field/property
* Have exactly two parameters
* Type of both parameters must match the type of field/property on which this attribute was applied
Example of a method signature for a field of type 'int': 'public void OnMyValueSynced(int oldValue, int newValue)'
OnValueSyncedAttribute |
Callback | Name of the method to be called when value changes. We strongly recommend using the 'nameof()' operator to avoid typing errors (e.g. '[OnValueSyncedAttribute(nameof(OnMyValueSynced)]' ). |
SuppressNotBoundError | If true, fields (or properties) marked with this attribute, but not marked as synced, won't generate any error logs. |
SuppressParamOrderError | If true, callbacks with parameter names suggesting invalid order won't generate any error logs. |