Represents an entity on the network.
Add this component to a UnityEngine.GameObject and start networking by adding Bindings.
Check the documentation for tutorials, guides, and more information.
OnAuthTransferComplete | Called when the authority transfer or abandonment of this entity is completed. |
OnAuthorityRequestRejected | Called when authority transfer was requested and rejected. |
OnConnectedEntityChanged | Called when the parent of this entity changed. |
OnInputAuthority | Called when the entity gains input authority. |
OnInputRemote | Called when the entity loses input authority. |
OnInputSimulatorConnected | Called when a simulator is connected and ready to handle input state. |
OnRigidbody2DPositionUpdate | Called when the Rigidbody2D position is updated. |
OnRigidbody2DRotationUpdate | Called when the Rigidbody2D rotation is updated. |
OnRigidbody3DPositionUpdate | Called when the Rigidbody position is updated. |
OnRigidbody3DRotationUpdate | Called when the Rigidbody rotation is updated. |
OnStateAuthority | Called when the entity gains state authority. |
OnStateRemote | Called when the entity loses state authority. |
RigidbodyUpdateMode | Determines how the properties of an attached rigidbody are updated. |
approveAuthorityTransferRequests | Fallback value used when simulationType is set to Request and OnAuthorityRequested is unsubscribed to. |
authorityTransferType | How this entity should respond to requests for authority (via RequestAuthority(AuthorityType)) by other clients. |
floatingOriginMode | Determines how the floating origin behaves when the entity is not parented. |
floatingOriginParentedMode | Determines how the floating origin behaves when the entity is parented. |
lifetimeType | What should happen to this entity after the client with authority over it disconnects or abandons it. |
orphanedBehavior | How this entity should behave if it is abandoned by its client. |
simulationType | How and where this entity is simulated. |
uniquenessType | Determines if it should be enforced that only a single instance with the same unique can exist at the same time on the network. |
usingReflection | Whether this entity should rely on reflection mode or baked mode. |
Bindings | List of variables and methods that are synchronized over the network. |
CoherenceBridge | The CoherenceBridge that this entity is connecting through. |
CoherenceSyncConfig | The config that's linked to this entity. |
CoherenceTag | The tag used to filter by via CoherenceTagQuery. |
ConnectedEntity | The closest parent entity (with Please note that this is not always the direct parent of this entity's transform, e.g. when using CoherenceNode. |
EntityState | Holds information for the state of the entity. |
HasInput | true if the entity has a CoherenceInput component. |
HasInputAuthority | true if your client has input authority over the entity. |
HasNodePathChanged | |
HasParentWithCoherenceSync | true when this entity is connected or parented to another entity. |
HasStateAuthority | true if your client has state authority over the entity. |
Input | Input component on this entity, if any. |
InterpolationLocationConfig | Determines the loop in which the interpolation will be performed. |
IsOrphaned | true when no client has authority over the entity. |
IsPersistent | true if the lifetime is Persistent. |
IsSynchronizedWithNetwork | true if the network acknowledges this entity (it's synchronized). |
IsUnique | true when uniquenessType is NoDuplicates. |
ManualUniqueId | The unique identifier of this entity. |
OnFloatingOriginShifted | Called when the floating origin has changed position. |
ReplacementStrategy | How uniqueness is resolved when multiple instances of the entity exists. |
UnsyncedEntityPriority | When resolving uniqueness, whether the asset ID or the uniqueness ID should be taken into account. |
UsesLODsAtRuntime | true if the entity use LODs at runtime. |
AbandonAuthority | Transfers ownership of the game object to the replication server, making it an orphan. |
Adopt | Requests authority over an orphaned entity. |
GetBakedValueBinding | Returns the binding with matching type and name or null if no match exist. If no name is supplied, the first binding with matching type is returned. If multiple matches exist, the first binding in the Bindings list is returned. |
RegisterUniqueId | Registers a unique identifier to be later applied by CoherenceSync. |
RequestAuthority | Try to get authority over this entity. |
ResetInterpolation | Clear all state of the interpolation used on the synced variables and properties of this entity. |
SendCommand | Send a command to another client to call a method in a specific component, if you have more than one component method bound in the same hierarchy. |
SendCommandToChildren | Send a command to another client to call a method to every component in the hierarchy that has methodName bound. |
SendOrderedCommand | Send an ordered command to another client to call a method in a specific component, if you have more than one component method bound in the same hierarchy. Command being ordered means that it will arrive on other clients in the same order relative to other sent ordered commands (and other ordered changes) from this client. |
SendOrderedCommandToChildren | Send an ordered command to another client to call a method to every component in the hierarchy that has methodName bound. Command being ordered means that it will arrive on other clients in the same order relative to other sent ordered commands (and other ordered changes) from this client. |
TransferAuthority | Give away authority over this entity to another client. |
TryGetBinding | Get the first binding on the component of a specific type. |
BridgeResolve | Used to resolve which CoherenceBridge should be associated with this entity. |
ConnectedEntityChangeOverride | Used to override the default parenting behaviour. |
DidSendConnectedEntity | Called after the entity has changed its parent and sent this update to other clients. |
OnAuthorityRequested | Raised when other client requests an authority over this entity and the authorityTransferType is set to Request. |