Object that can be used to acquire information about the status of a game object at a particular moment in time.
This includes information like whether the game object is part of a prefab, a prefab instance, or open in a prefab stage.
GameObjectStatus |
HasChildrenCoherenceSyncs | Do any of the children (including nested children) of this game object contain a CoherenceSync component? Components that don't have a CoherenceSyncConfig are not counted. |
IsAsset | Is the game object a prefab asset or open in a prefab stage? |
IsInPrefabStage | Is the game object open in a prefab stage? |
IsInstanceInScene | Is the game object part of a prefab instance in a scene, and not open in a prefab stage? |
IsNestedInstanceInsideAnotherPrefab | Is the game object a non-root object inside prefab instance? |
IsRootOfAssetHierarchy | Is the game object the root object in a prefab asset? |
IsRootOfInstanceHierarchy | Is the game object a root object in a scene hierarchy, a prefab instance that is connected to the prefab asset, and not open in a prefab stage? |
IsRootOfNonPrefabHierarchy | Is the game object a root object in a scene hierarchy, not part of any prefab asset or prefab instance, and not open in a prefab stage? |
IsRootOfPrefabStageHierarchy | Is the game object the root object in a prefab stage? |
IsVariantAsset | Is the game object part of a prefab variant? |
PrefabInstanceStatus | Status about whether a prefab instance is properly connected to its asset. |
PrefabStageMode | What mode is the game object being edited in a prefab stage? |