Utility class for CoherenceSyncConfig related operations.
CanLink | Checks if an unlinked config can be linked. |
Create | Create an CoherenceSync Config for the given Unity Object. |
CreateObjectInstantiator | Creates a new instance of a type implementing INetworkObjectInstantiator and assigns it to the given CoherenceSyncConfig. |
CreateObjectProvider | Creates a new instance of a type implementing INetworkObjectProvider and assigns it to the given CoherenceSyncConfig. |
Delete | Delete an existing CoherenceSyncConfig. If it's an asset, the asset will be deleted. This includes it being a subasset. If it's not an asset, it's destroyed. Modifying several subassets on the same asset while on a batch (AssetDatabase.[Start|Stop]AssetEditing) will corrupt the asset. |
Link | Attempt to link a CoherenceSyncConfig with its CoherenceSync counterpart. |
TryGetFromAsset |
OnAfterConfigCreated | Raised after the asset is created and initialized through Create(Object), but before registration on the CoherenceSyncConfigRegistry. |
OnBeforeConfigDeleted | Raised before a CoherenceSyncConfig asset is deleted through Delete(CoherenceSyncConfig). |
OnObjectInstantiatorChanged | Raised after Instantiator changes through a CreateObjectInstantiator(CoherenceSyncConfig, Type) call. |
OnObjectProviderChanged | Raised after Provider changes through a CreateObjectProvider(CoherenceSyncConfig, Type) call. |