MaxUniqueComponentsBound | Maximum number of different components that can be created for a particular network entity. In Unity, the number of different components that will be created for a network entity is given by: (Number of different Unity Components with bindings) + (Asset Id Component) + (Unique Id Component) + (Persistent Component) + (PreserveChildren Component) The sum of all these different Components cannot surpass 31. |
bakeOnBuildKey | |
bakeOnEnterPlayModeKey | |
coherenceSyncSchemasDirtyKey | |
gatherOnBakeKey |
ActiveSchemasChanged | Determines if the active schemas have changed since the last bake performed. noteIt only takes into account schemas, it won't consider the gather manifest (necessary for a complete bake). |
BakeOnBuild | |
BakeOnEnterPlayMode | |
CoherenceSyncSchemaOutdated | Determines if the gathered CoherenceSync schema is outdated. |
CoherenceSyncSchemasDirty | |
GatherOnBake | |
HasBaked | Determines if there's valid bake data. |
HasReflectedModeSupport | Determines if there is reflected mode support. |
HasSchemaID | |
Outdated | Determines if the baked files are outdated, based on missing files and changes on schema files. If they are, a BakeAsync() operation is recommended. |
OutputFolder | Gets the path (relative to the project path) where the baked files are stored. |
SchemaID | Gets the current SchemaID for this project. The SchemaID is a hash computed from the contents of all the active schemas. |
SchemaIDShort | Gets the current short SchemaID (5 chars) for this project. The SchemaID is a hash computed from the contents of all the active schemas. |
Bake | Bake coherence data synchronously.
BakeAsync | Bake coherence data asynchronously.
BakeAsyncNoReturn | Bake coherence data asynchronously with no return.
OnBakeEnded | |
OnBakeStarted | |
OnSchemasSetDirty |