AuthClient | Specifies a set of methods that can be used to log in to coherence Cloud, properties to determine if we are currently logged in or not, and events for getting notified about relevant things happening. |
CloudCredentialsPair | |
CloudOperation | Represents an asynchronous operation used to communicate with coherence Cloud. |
CloudRooms | Helps manage rooms in your Project hosted on the coherence Cloud. If you wish to create, delete or fetch rooms in a self-hosted Replication Server, you can instantiate a ReplicationServerRoomsService instead. |
CloudRoomsService | Public API to interface with Rooms from your Project in the coherence Cloud. If you wish to create, delete or fetch rooms in a self-hosted Replication Server, you can instantiate a ReplicationServerRoomsService instead. |
CloudService | Runtime API to be able to interface with an Organization and Project from the coherence Cloud. Check the coherence Cloud tab in the coherence Hub window for more details. |
CloudStorage | CloudStorage is a service that allows you to save and load objects (StorageObject) to and from the backend. |
CommandLineArguments | |
CreateLobbyOptions | |
FindLobbyOptions | |
GameServersService | |
GameServices | |
HttpServer | |
KvStoreClient | The old cloud-backed key-value store service. Superseded by CloudStorage.
LobbiesService | |
LobbyOwnerSession | |
LobbySession | |
LoginError | Represents an AuthClient error that has occurred either during an attempted login operation, or after a successful login operation, when the client's connection to coherence Cloud has been forcefully closed by the server (Coherence.Runtime.ErrorType.ConcurrentConnection). |
LoginResult | Represents the result of an IAuthClient login operation. |
MatchMakerException | |
MatchmakerClient | |
ReplicationServerRoomsService | Public API to interface with Rooms from a self-hosted Replication Server. If you wish to create, delete or fetch rooms in the coherence Cloud, you can instantiate a CloudService instead to access the CloudRooms API. |
ReplicationServerUtils | |
RequestFactory | |
ResponseDeserializationException | |
Room | Represents a room in coherence Cloud. |
RoomCreationOptions | |
RoomRegionsService | |
RoomsCache | |
SecretsCache | |
SelfHostedRoomCreationOptions | |
StorageError | Represents an error that occurred when interacting with storage objects or the CloudStorage service. If the error is never observed by the user, it will get automatically logged to the Console. |
StorageObject | A read-only container of storage items loaded from CloudStorage. |
StorageOperation | Represents an asynchronous CloudStorage operation. |
StorageOperationExtensions | Extension methods for StorageOperation<TResult>. |
User | Represents a user that has logged in to coherence Cloud. |
UserGuid | Represents a unique identifier for a User that has logged in to coherence Cloud. |
WorldsResolverException | |
WorldsService |
CloudAttribute | |
GameServerData | |
GameServerDeployOptions | |
GameServerDeployResult | |
GameServerListOptions | |
GameServerMatchOptions | |
GameServerStats | |
HostData | |
Key | Key associated with a single StorageItem that can be saved in CloudStorage as part of a storage object. |
LegacyLoginData | Represents locally cached data for the last user that was logged in using the old login system. In coherence version 1.3.0 and older, coherence used to store the username, guest password, and session token for you, and automatically try to log you in again using them. In the current version, you need to store this data yourself, and pass it to the appropriate login methods in AuthClient, to log in again as the same user, without needing to provide the username and password. Storing the data locally can be done easily using Coherence.Prefs.Prefs.SetString(string, string). |
LobbyData | |
LobbyFilter | |
LobbyPlayerStats | |
LobbyPlayersFilteredStats | |
LobbySortOption | |
LobbyStats | |
LocalRoomData | |
LocalRoomsListItem | |
LocalRoomsResponse | |
MessagesReceived | |
OptionalGameServerData | |
Player | |
RequestResponse | |
RoomData | |
RoomGuid | Represents a globally unique identifier for a room that has been created in coherence Cloud. |
RoomHostData | |
RoomLocalId | Represents a locally unique identifier for a room that has been created in coherence Cloud. |
RoomMatchResponse | |
SessionToken | Token generated when successfully logging in to coherence Cloud, uniquely identifying the logged-in user or guest. The token can be stored on the user's device locally, and later used to log in to coherence Cloud again using the same credentials, without the user needing to provide them again. |
StorageItem | Represents a single item in a storage object. |
StorageObjectId | A unique identifier for a storage object that can be stored in CloudStorage. |
Value | Represents the value of single StorageItem that can be saved in CloudStorage as part of a storage object. |
WorldData |
IAuthClient | Specifies a set of methods that can be used to log in to coherence Cloud, properties to determine if we are currently logged in or not, and events for getting notified about relevant things happening. |
IGameServersService | |
IRequestFactory | |
IRoomsService |
FilterGroupOperator | |
FilterKey | |
FilterOperator | |
IntAggregator | |
IntAttributeIndex | |
RequestStatus | |
SortOptions | |
StorageErrorType | Specifies the different types of errors that can occur when interacting with the CloudStorage service. |
StringAggregator | |
StringAttributeIndex |