Table of Contents


public StorageObjectId(IFormattable type, IFormattable id)

Initializes a new instance of the StorageObjectId struct.

Type Name Description
IFormattable type

Type of the storage object.

For example, "Inventory", "Player" or "Settings".

IFormattable id

Local identifier of the storage object, distinguishing it from other storage objects of the same Type.

For example, the UserId for a particular player.

Type Condition

Thrown if the provided Type or Id are null or empty after being converted into strings, or if the total length of the StorageObjectId exceeds MaxLength.

public StorageObjectId(IFormattable type, string id)

Initializes a new instance of the StorageObjectId struct.

Type Name Description
IFormattable type

Type of the storage object.

For example, "Inventory", "Player" or "Settings".

string id

Local identifier of the storage object, distinguishing it from other storage objects of the same Type.

For example, the UserId for a particular player.

Type Condition

Thrown if the provided Type or Id are null or empty after being converted into strings, or if the total length of the StorageObjectId exceeds MaxLength.

public StorageObjectId(string type, IFormattable id)

Initializes a new instance of the StorageObjectId struct.

Type Name Description
string type

Type of the storage object.

For example, "Inventory", "Player" or "Settings".

IFormattable id

Local identifier of the storage object, distinguishing it from other storage objects of the same Type.

For example, the UserId for a particular player.

Type Condition

Thrown if the provided Type or Id are null or empty after being converted into strings, or if the total length of the StorageObjectId exceeds MaxLength.

public StorageObjectId(string type, string id)

Initializes a new instance of the StorageObjectId struct.

Type Name Description
string type

Type of the storage object.

For example, "Inventory", "Player" or "Settings".

string id

Local identifier of the storage object, distinguishing it from other storage objects of the same Type.

For example, the UserId for a particular player.

Type Condition

Thrown if the provided Type or Id are null or empty, or if the total length of the StorageObjectId exceeds MaxLength.