LobbySession |
OnLobbyAttributesChanged | Callback that will be invoked when the owner of the Lobby adds or updates a Lobby attribute, or when an indexed Attribute gets updated through a Player updating his/her own Attribute. |
OnLobbyDisposed | Callback that will be invoked when a Lobby its disposed and will no longer be usable. This can happen by manually leaving the Lobby, or logging out from your current user. |
OnLobbyOwnerChanged | Callback that will be invoked when the Lobby changes active owner. |
OnLobbyUpdated | Callback that will be invoked when a Lobby its updated by any of the previous cases. For example, if a player leaves or joins or updates the Attributes, this Callback will always be invoked alongside the specific one. |
OnMessageReceived | Callback that will be invoked when your Player receives one or messages through the Lobby. |
OnPlayerAttributesChanged | Callback that will be invoked when a Player within the Lobby adds or updates an Attribute. |
OnPlayerJoined | Callback that will be invoked when a new Player joins the Lobby. |
OnPlayerLeft | Callback that will be invoked when a Player leaves the Lobby. |
IsDisposed | If the current LobbySession is disposed, it means that you're no longer part of this Lobby and this instance cannot be reused. Attempting to use any Endpoint while disposed will throw an exception. |
LobbyData | |
LobbyOwnerActions | Instance of LobbyOwnerSession that will allow you to call endpoints that are only available for the Owner of the Lobby. If you're not the Owner of the Lobby, this property will return null. |
MyPlayer | Player struct that represents your Player within the Lobby. |
OwnerPlayer | Player struct that represents the Player who is the Owner of the Lobby. |
AddOrUpdateMyAttributes | Through this method you will be able to add new Attributes or update existing Attributes. Deleting existing Attributes is not supported, the list supplied as parameter will be merged with your current Attributes if the request succeeds with the backend. |
AddOrUpdateMyAttributesAsync | Through this method you will be able to add new Attributes or update existing Attributes. Deleting existing Attributes is not supported, the list supplied as parameter will be merged with your current Attributes if the request succeeds with the backend. |
Dispose | |
Finalize | |
GetAddOrUpdateMyAttributesCooldown | |
GetSendMessageCooldown | |
LeaveLobby | Leave the active Lobby. The current LobbySession instance will be disposed. |
LeaveLobbyAsync | Leave the active Lobby. The current LobbySession instance will be disposed. |
RefreshLobby | Refresh the current data for the active Lobby. |
RefreshLobbyAsync | Refresh the current data for the active Lobby. |
SendMessage | Send a message to other Players of the current Lobby. |
SendMessageAsync | Send a message to other Players of the current Lobby. |