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Enum CoherenceSync.RigidbodyMode


Which mode used when updating this CoherenceSync object If there is a rigidbody attached.

public enum CoherenceSync.RigidbodyMode


Direct = 0

Direct is the default mode that sets the rigidbody position and rotation directly. Use this if you're parenting entities with and want replicated entities to have kinetic rigidbodies. Can be used with CoherenceNode and parenting.

Interpolated = 1

Interpolated uses the rigidbody MovePosition and MoveRotation calls to maintain the physical state of the replicated rigidbody. Use this if you need replicated entities to have velocity and angularVelocity replicated. Note: does not support using CoherenceNode or parenting since the coherence position and rotation are derived from the rigid body and so are always in world position.

Manual = 2

Manual calls a user defined callback which is passed world position or rotation for manual application on the rigid body. Use this is you want manual control of the update of the state of the CoherenceSync's game object rigid body. Note: does not support using CoherenceNode or parenting since the coherence position and rotation are derived from the rigid body and so are always in world position.